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Life After the Coronavirus Pandemic

Sunlight shining through trees with text Life After the Coronavirus Pandemic

The “new normal” has set in across America. Social distancing is expected at all times. Face coverings are recommended to be worn in public places. And people everywhere are venturing out amid new rules and social courtesies. Life is returning to normal, but in a lot of ways, it’s nothing like what it was before. 

These changes may be for the collective good, but they can be anxiety-inducing, to say the least. Because treating anxiety is in the wheelhouse of any psychiatrist in Brandon, including Maulik K. Trivedi, M.D. and his team at FMC MindBody, we’re here to discuss how you can maintain your mental health amid the “new normal.” Life after the coronavirus pandemic may be like nothing we’ve seen before, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. 

Embracing Everything Life Has to Offer 

Think about the changes you’re seeing in everyday life. Restaurants are spacing out tables. Cubicles are making a comeback. And masks are as much a fashion statement as they are a safety precaution. But has any of this stopped people from living life? Quite the opposite. People are thriving by embracing, not in spite of, the “new normal.” This resiliency can be seen in people laughing in sterilized restaurant booths, exercising at their local park, and reaching out to loved ones they haven’t heard from in years. During these uncertain times, your physical health must be made a priority, but your mental health should not and need not be neglected. This is what anxiety treatment in Brandon focuses on. 

Related: Managing Your Mental Health in Times of Uncertainty

The Importance of Mental Health 

As reported by the Washington Post, increases in anxiety are a long-term issue that won’t disappear with the virus. “[F]for some people, the trauma, fear and stress will accumulate and fester like a wound if left unaddressed, said Paul Gionfriddo, president of the advocacy group Mental Health America. “The psychological recovery is going to be as important as economic and logistical parts of this.” 

How can you recover from anxiety and depression stemming from the coronavirus pandemic? To begin, we recommend embracing the “new normal” as much as you can. Practice social distancing and proper hygiene while still enjoying the things you love most, whether that’s going to the beach, visiting friends, or grabbing a bite to eat. Next, you can consult a psychiatrist in Brandon on ways to identify and deal with stressors caused by the ever-changing situation. Finally, you should prioritize your physical health beyond just avoiding illness. 

Related: Cultivating Spiritual Awareness in Challenging Times

The Benefits of MindBody Care™ 

At FMC MindBody, we believe in whole-person care in treating anxiety and depression. Your mind can’t combat stress if it is coming from your body. That’s why our MindBody approach is so widely regarded. Through yoga, meditation, spiritual awareness cultivation, and fitness and nutritional counseling, our team can help anxiety sufferers mitigate their physical and psychological responses to stress. If you’re concerned that your mental health has been jeopardized by the coronavirus pandemic, schedule an appointment with Dr. Trivedi and his team at FMC MindBody.

Schedule a consultation for depression treatment in Brandon today!


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The content, views, and opinions communicated on this website do not represent the views of Maulik K. Trivedi, M.D. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. Although this website contains links to other medical websites, this is strictly for informational purposes. Maulik K. Trivedi, M.D. is not responsible nor do they approve of the content featured on any third party linked websites referenced on this website.

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