Eye Dilation
Have you been told that you need to undergo an eye dilation test? If this will be your first time having your eyes dilated, you may be unsure of what to expect. During your appointment, your optometrist will administer eye drops that are designed to widen your pupils, then they’ll look through your pupils to carefully examine the interior of your eye. It usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes for the pupils to dilate, and while the process is painless, it may make your vision blurry and your eyes more sensitive to light for a few hours following the exam.
When Is Eye Dilation Needed?
There’s no question that eye dilation offers numerous benefits. By providing optometrists with a clearer view of the back of the eye—including the optic nerve and the retina—dilation allows for earlier diagnosis and treatment of many serious conditions (for example, diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, macular degeneration and retinal detachment).
But because the side effects of eye dilation can be inconvenient—for example, vision blurriness and increased light sensitivity, which can restrict the ability to drive—many people question whether it’s truly necessary to undergo dilation at every eye exam. Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer to this question. Your optometrist will take various factors into account when determining whether you need a dilated eye exam, including the reason for your exam as well as your:
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Eye health
- Family history
- Overall health
Experienced Optometrists Treating Patients in Tampa Bay
If you’re in the Tampa Bay area, you can have your next eye dilation test completed at Florida Medical Clinic Orlando Health, a trusted practice that’s been serving this community since 1993. We have optometry centers in Land O’ Lakes and North Tampa, and our knowledgeable optometrists offer numerous types of eye exams, including comprehensive eye exams and diabetic eye exams. Click here to schedule an appointment at a date and time that’s convenient for you.
Proudly Serving: Land O’ Lakes, and North Tampa.