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Suicide is Preventable. Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to A Loved One

birds flying with text Suicide is Preventable. Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to A Loved One

The way we talk about suicide has to change, as do our views of who can be affected by it. Recently, two students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, took their own lives. One was 19-year-old Sydney Aiello, who struggled with survivor’s guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder following the Parkland shooting. 

Below, we discuss how our society talks about (and doesn’t talk about) suicide. After reading this article, you will be better capable of spotting the signs that someone is in desperate need of help. If your teen is struggling with suicidal thoughts, don’t be afraid to talk to them about their feelings or to consult a child psychiatrist in Brandon for assistance. 

When Tragedy Becomes Commonplace 

All too often, teens hide their feelings of depression, anxiety, or pain out of fear of being a burden on their loved ones or being vulnerable around their peers. And when a teen finally reaches out for help, their feelings are often dismissed by those around them, which is why a psychiatrist in Brandon is an incredible source of support and guidance. 

When society does talk about suicide, it’s in a way that’s almost casual. You can see it all over social media. Up-and-coming generations regularly joke and share memes about wanting to die and the end of the world. But while teens can easily joke about suicide, they are far more hesitant to come forward when they do need help. In order to prevent suicide, you have to be willing to look for the warning signs that someone is suicidal

  • Saying they want to die
  • Researching ways to commit suicide 
  • Feeling hopeless, trapped, or in pain
  • Increased alcohol or drug use
  • Putting personal affairs in order 
  • Isolating themselves
  • Losing interest in hobbies 
  • Experiencing mood swings
  • Experiencing recent hardships
  • Revenge-seeking behavior
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Sudden, unexpected calmness 

Alternatively, your loved one may not be displaying any of the above signs. Everything may seem normal on the outside even when you know something is wrong. You can’t count on a suicidal person to reach out for help; you have to be willing to reach out to them. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Reach Out  

The next time you notice something off about a loved one’s behavior, sit down with them and ask them how they’re doing. Ask them directly if they are having suicidal thoughts. Ask them if they have any intention of doing so. Finally, ask them if they’ve thought about how they would do it. These aren’t easy questions to ask, but if your loved one answers yes to these questions, it’s a sign that they are a danger to themselves. If that’s the case, you should stay with them, remove any weapons or sharp objects, and escort them to emergency medical services. 

If a loved one is contemplating suicide but is not at imminent risk, consider contacting a psychiatrist in Brandon. Maulik K. Trivedi, M.D., has helped patients overcome feelings of hopelessness, and he and his team would like nothing more than to help you and your loved one.

Schedule a consultation with a child psychiatrist in Brandon today!


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